Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to choose the Outsourcing Vendor for big companies?

Posted on August 22nd, 2012
Posted in Software Outsourcing

big companies How to choose the right Software Outsourcing Vendor for big companies?

Today we finish our series of articles about the most effective way of choosing an appropriate outsourcing vendor. In our previous posts we examined the key criteria of choosing the vendor if your company is a start-up or a small/medium enterprise with sustainable growth.

Now we would like to cover the main issues one has to take into consideration when searching for the right outsourcing vendor if your company can be characterized as the one with sustainable growth, long experience and of medium e size.

So, there are 10 questions one has to answer for himself to choose the right outsourcing vendor:

1. Does the vendor have a strong team or does he in general have it? Nowadays the complexity of projects increases exponentially. That?s why, there always must be a team to work under a certain project. Of course, you can hire a developer, an architect, and etc. But you shouldn?t forget one person can?t deliver work of good quality and positive results if projects are very complicated and large-scale.

2. What is your potential vendor?s competitive advantage? When visiting this or that vendor?s site, one can notice a great amount of articles and news posts about how professional the engineers are and how advanced the company is in literally almost all of the industries. Don?t get your hopes up, everyone has his strengths and weaknesses. Also, any vendor has a certain industry where the company is the most competent in or has gained successful experience and gathered high-class experts.

3. What are the outturn full outsourcing costs?

4. Are you really going hire an expert? Somebody writes great texts, somebody masters website development or database creation. Take it into consideration and check it out if professionals are really going to work under your project.

5. Does the vendor have an adequate experience in efficient project management?

6. What scalability guarantees does the vendor give you?

7. Does the vendor meet delivery dates, deadlines and does he follow the timetable?

8. Does the outsourcing vendor represent a sustainable company? How quickly and efficiently can the vendor solve problems encountered?

9. Will your company own the initial code?

10. What is the reputation of the vendor?

We would like to highlight that this expanded set of criteria will suit small- and medium-sized companies, and also start-ups.

Hope our posts will help you find your ideal outsourcing vendor to translate your business ideas into reality.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or would like to get any clarifications or consulting.

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