Saturday, August 11, 2012

Male pattern hair loss ? Why Am I going Bald? | Health Line

Male pattern baldness is one of the most commonly experienced hair loss conditions, and it can be experienced by men of any age. This condition can be quite embarrassing for men who are young. Read below to learn how this condition can be treated effectively.

Hair loss is a common occurrence. Of the hair that we grow on our head, a few falls off every day, which is quite normal. However, when the number of hair that falls everyday increases to the extent that you start developing a bald patch on your head it means you are suffering from a hair loss condition. Men and women both can experience hair loss that can eventually result in baldness. Though, this condition is more common in men than in women. If hair loss occurs in women, it is usually because of giving birth to a child, contraception, infection or blood loss.

Hair Loss

Baldness in men

Hair loss in menMen usually start to go bald when they reach a certain age, but some, like those who are in their 20?s may start going bald because of certain other factors. Hair usually makes up an important aspect of a person?s experience, and in especially young men, it can be worrying. The most common form of baldness that is experienced by men is male pattern baldness, which is also known as androgenic alopecia. This form of hair loss is caused by an androgen hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), produced by the male hormone testosterone.

When the level of DHT increases significantly, they start affecting the genetically sensitive hair follicle on your head. As the hair follicles are affected, they start shrinking and the hair that grows is thinner every time. The hair follicles ultimately reach a shrinking point where they are unable to participate in the function of re-growth of new hair. The name male pattern baldness has been given as the hair fall follows a peculiar pattern. You first start losing hair on the crown of your head, followed by at the temples. The hair loss continues till the two areas meet, forming a horse shoe shape on your scalp.

Treating male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness in men as young as in their 20?s can be cause for concern. This condition can successfully and effectively be treated with the help of prescription medication Propecia. It was the first medication to be introduced into the market as a prescription treatment for hair loss in men. This pill consists of finasteride as its active ingredient, the chief function of which is to terminate the excess DHT present. This pill also allows hair follicles to heal, which leads them to open up once more.

As the hair follicles are healed, they are once more able to participate in the re-growth of new hair. Gradually, through continuous use of this pill, you can experience a significant re-growth of hair. This pill is available in the dosage strength of 1mg, which you are to take once on a daily basis. The period of time for which you are to take this pill is not fixed, as stopping the pill after experienced an improvement, can reverse the effect as well.


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